Svetový deň vody
Dňa 22.3.2024 sme venovali Svetovému dňu vody. Začali sme videami, ktoré boli zamerané na tému kolobeh vody/druhy vody/znečistenie vody.
Prvú časť sme ukončili diskusiou. Druhá časť pozostávala z tvorenia projektov na témy - čistenie vody/šetrenie vody. Ukončená bola prezentáciou projektov. Deti mali naozaj kreatívne nápady. Poslednou častou boli pokusy s vodou, ktoré si každá trieda sama tvorila so svojou triednou pani učiteľkou. Deti najviac zasiahol celosvetový problém - znečistenie vody. Sme hrdí, že im nie je jedno, v akom stave sa naša planéta nachádza a majú záujem o to, mať čistejšiu nielen vodu ale aj planétu. Ďakujeme.
We dedicated 22.3.2024 to World Water Day. We started with videos that were focused on the topic of the water cycle/ types of water/ water pollution. We ended the first part with a discussion. The second part consisted of creating projects on the topics - water purification/water conservation. This part ended with a presentation of the projects. The children had really creative ideas. The last part was experiments with water, which each class created with its class teacher. Children were most affected by the global problem - water pollution. We are proud that they care about the state of our planet and are interested in having cleaner not only water but also the planet. Thank you.
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